MP3 Audiobook Player

Want to listen to the audiobook Brooklyn to Baghdad: An NYPD Intelligence Cop Fights Terror in Iraq written by Christopher Strom?
MP3 Audiobook Player is here to help!

Listen Brooklyn to Baghdad: An NYPD Intelligence Cop Fights Terror in Iraq by Christopher Strom in MP3 Audiobook Player for free

Downloading Audiobooks

Many ways to download audiobooks from your computer, your device, websites or Youtube

Sleep Timer

Smart sleep timer with gradual volume reduction and restart when you shake the device

Playback Speed

Wide range of playback speed: from x0.5 to x5.0


Keep your listening statistics. You can see how many books you've listened to and how long it took

File Formats

A large number of supported audio file formats. MP3, M4B, MP4, AWB, FLAC and others


Integration with Apple CarPlay allows you to conveniently listen to audiobooks while driving without taking your eyes off the road


Relax with
MP3 Audiobook Player

Thanks to easy downloading method, you'll be able to listen to many more audiobooks. Discover new literary genres and pump up your knowledge of our world!

“In books I have traveled, not only to other worlds, but into my own.”

  • © Anna Quindlen

Learn with
MP3 Audiobook Player

MP3 Audiobook Player remembers the last stopping place for each book, so you can easily switch between books/lectures without losing your reading position.
You can create bookmarks with comments and return to them when needed.

“What a blessing it is to love books as I love them; to be able to converse with the dead, and to live amidst the unreal!”

  • © Thomas Babington Macaulay

Brooklyn to Baghdad: An NYPD Intelligence Cop Fights Terror in Iraq

Brooklyn to Baghdad is the true story of a retired NYPD intelligence sergeant applying his street-cop tactics and interrogation skills against a lethal insurgency that had infected Iraq. A group of retired Special Forces soldiers and law enforcement experts came together to form the counterinsurgency group codenamed “Phoenix Team.” Exposing the corruption of both the Iraqi and US governments, the team faced serious setbacks and challenges. Brooklyn to Baghdad shows the effectiveness of Phoenix Team, their ability to process forensic evidence and human intelligence gleaned through interrogations at the point of capture to provide direct targeting for follow-on missions. This memoir also illustrates the politics of Washington, DC, and the US Army in the war-fighting effort, which continually hampered complete success while simultaneously preserving career aspirations. Throughout are many humorous and emotional anecdotes that reveal the men behind the missions and the toll the theater of war takes on real human lives

  • Christopher Strom

User-friendly interface

MP3 Audiobook Player was designed and developed to make listening to audiobooks as pleasant and convenient as possible.

MP3 Audiobook Player ot iPad and iPhone


Dark mode for night owls.
Choose between various fun themes.


Smart rewind. Volume Boost.
Change playback speed from 0.5X to 5.0X.


Maintain and see progress of your books.
Change cover art, title and author.


Support for remote events from headset buttons and lock screen.
CarPlay support.

MP3 Audiobook Player + YouTube

How to download audiobooks from Youtube for free on the your iPhone & iPad.

It's time to change your mind

MP3 Audiobook Player is a standalone offline audiobook player for iOS.
It is optimized for listening while going to bed, running, or other activities you are doing while listening to Audibooks.